
laser transmission造句

"laser transmission"是什么意思   


  1. Experiment analysis of influence of atmosphere stochastic channel on laser transmission
  2. The characteristics of laser transmission in air are discussed , and the transmissivity of 905nm laser in the near distance in air is calculated
  3. Generally speaking , there are two types of optical fibers for mid - infrared laser transmission . one is solid - core optical fiber and the other is hollow waveguide
  4. To ensuring the transmitting quality , the influences of atmospheric attenuation and turbulence to laser transmission is analyzed in the paper
  5. Focus lens , reflect lens , yag laser whole / semi - reflect lens : they are all used import material to process , which insure the lens have long service life and low waste during the laser transmission
    聚焦镜、反射镜片、 yag激光全反射镜片等产品介绍:采用进口原料进行生产加工,确保镜片使用寿命长、激光传导中损失量小。
  6. It's difficult to find laser transmission in a sentence. 用laser transmission造句挺难的
  7. In this paper , we have done many basic experiments and studies on the technology of laser energy storage ring including the producing seed laser pulse , producing laser pulse train , multi pulse laser amplify , laser transmission in air and technology of laser beam combine
  8. As the extensive application of the semiconductor laser diode ( ld ) , it become more and more important to evaluate the quantity of laser beam . far - field divergence angle of laser beams is an important parameter about value of laser quality . not only the laser divergence peculiarity in the distance is reflected , but also quality of the correlative laser apparatus and the laser transmission is exactly known
  9. The analyses given in this paper to quasi - three - level for 946 nm laser are complete . the relation between 946 nm laser transmission and optimal crystal length has been derived from the rate equations describing the population inversion and the photon density in the laser cavity in the steady - state case . the minimal claims to coating have been given on the base of contrasting 946 nm transmission with 1064 nm transmission in the condition of different cavity losses and how the pump beam radius in the laser crystal and optimal crystal length affect the laser threshold and output power of 946 nm laser has been given as well
    对产生946nm谱线的准三能级结构给出了较为完整的分析,利用激光谐振腔处于稳态时的速率方程,导出了准三能级nd : yag946nm起振时,透射损耗与最佳激光晶体长度的关系,在与1064nm透射损耗相比较的基础上,给出了不同的腔损耗情况下的最低镀膜要求,并且给出了激光阈值、输出功率和最佳激光晶体长度及泵光光斑大小的关系,这为设计室温下高效运转的946nm激光器的提供了理论基础,这种分析方法对研究此类低增益,准三能级或三能级激光系统输出特性有借鉴意义。
  10. The paper has founded the model of laser transmission in launch process and the movement model of laser - powered vehicle , and has analyzed the influence on performance of launch system , which was raised by some factors , for instance , the performance of thruster , the attenuation in transmission , the height of mode - transform , the laser power , the air drag force , the launch height , and so on


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